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About home server and self-hosting

I like to self-host stuff for privacy and cost save reasons. It also keeps me independent of some policy changes and allows me to use my media, books, music, audiobooks and so on how I like. Some stuff I like is not available at the big streaming services.

I have a Raspberry Pi 5 for the local applications. A VPS hosts the tools that need to be exposed to the internet. I ordered a cheap 16Tb Seagate drive on eBay, which was stored in a datacenter as replacement but never used. Music and Audiobooks are stored on a WD 1tb drive so that the big drive does not need to spin up often. I use hd-idle, energy is expensive in Germany.


All of them are run within docker compose.

  • audiobookshelf for audiobooks and auto download of podcasts. They have a great app. I am also a small contributor there.
  • jellyfin for old TV Movies and Shows. On iOS I use Jellyfin mobile and Swiftfin
  • paperless-ngx for indexing and oranizing of PDFs and Books in PDF form mainly Pen and Paper
  • navidrome for music. Amperfy on iOS.
  • manyfold for 3D prints
  • romm for games from gog
  • filebrowser to easily manage files from the hdd
  • glances htop in the browser from the device it is running on
  • uptime kuma for telegram uptime news
  • pikvm as a KVM for some devices in the network
  • LibreChat cheap API frontend for LLMs
  • homeassistant, homebridge and esphome for smart home
  • homer for the dashboard
  • homebox as an inventory system for my stuff
  • awtrix as a 32x8 RGB Clock. They have a great but paid app.
  • OctoPi for the 3D Printer
  • FoundryVTT for pen and paper. Only paid I use. One time fee €50.
  • hedgedock collaborative markdown online editor
  • excalidraw collaborative online drawing tool. Alternative to tldraw
  • vaultwarden for passwords. Compatible to Bitwarden apps. Use Bitwarden for Production because they manage it. €9 for Bitwarden a year is fine for extra otp functions.
  • CodeCov code coverage ui. Used it within my first start up. Their managed service it too expensive and buggy.
  • gitea as a local git and hf hub mirror. Also supports GitHub actions via act

Non-Self-Hosted stuff I need to back up

  • Bitwarden
  • Fusion360
  • Brickmerge


  • CueTools for audio checksum verification (works with wine)
  • TagScanner and MP3Tag for tagging (works with wine)
  • EAC for CD encoding
  • Others people told me to use makemkv and libation but never tried it.
  • mediathekviewweb for legal (!) downloading of German TV Shows (no legal advice)